Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Controversy of saying "Merry Christmas"

by : David Jr. M.

Recently, the Indonesian Ulema Council forbids greetings and the like, that means people who are Muslim in Indonesia no longer allowed to say Merry Christmas and other holidays to peoples from different faiths. Much controversy related to this decision. MUI reasoned that by saying Christmas to peoples of different faiths, the Muslim’s people recognize the other religions as a truth or as recognition of the truth of the other religion.

In terms of nationalism, the MUI’s decision is actually very regrettable, especially for Christians and other non-Muslims, because this could lead to divisions among religious people. This decision seems to be a stain on the elements of Pancasila and Unity in Diversity for the nation. Indonesia as the country with various ethnic and religion, and the principle of a  bhineka tunggal ika held, should be a country with high tolerance of religious beliefs, and respect each other.
The notion that by saying the words "happy holidays" to peoples from different faiths means justification of other religion itself is not right. The word “happy Holiday” is a manifestation of the high sense of brotherhood among the Indonesian nation, regardless of the religious differences that were very basic, by saying congratulation to the peoples from different religions, it means we participate sympathetically to our brother that being rejoice to celebrate their holidays. Saying congratulation is also similar to the pronunciation of survivors in other situations, such as "Selamat menempuh hidup baru" or "selamat berbahagia" for the newlyweds, there is no element of "justification" and "recognition" in it. The element of "justification" and "recognition" is a relative thing, depending on each individual who uttered. If the reciter saying greetings only in terms of sympathy to his friends from other faiths, whether it means the reciter regards his faith? Of course not, this issue should not be ruling (become a fatwa), back to their personal perspective how they should act when their friends from other faiths were celebrating their religion. Surely it would be very beautiful if the freedom and religious harmony maintained in Indonesia.